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Welcome to Healthcare Careers

Healthcare remains one of the most rewarding, opportunity-rich fields out there with an ever-increasing demand for highly-qualified personnel. At Frederick Community College, our proven and trusted career training programs include opportunities from initial introduction to advanced hands-on clinical experience.

Earn a Workforce Training Certificate at FCC
Designed to prepare you for direct entry into the workforce, select training programs deliver the knowledge and skills necessary for employment in high-demand industries. Comprised of a non-credit course or a series of courses, these credentials demonstrate your acquired knowledge, proven skills and recognized capabilities within a specific industry. Learn more.


Note for FCPS High School Students
Frederick County Public School students may receive free tuition through Dual Enrollment at FCC for all courses. Fee and book scholarships may be available for select programs. Students should first talk with their high school counselor if they plan to enroll in an FCC workforce development course or program.
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* Important Note

While online registration is available for most programs, select courses may require prerequisites and/or program manager approval and may not be available for online registration. For complete details, please see individual class descriptions or feel free to contact us.