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Create New Student Profile

Create a Student Profile

Thank you for your interest and welcome to Frederick Community College. Please review the notes below and complete the information form to create your student account and register for programs at FCC.

One profile per student - To accurately maintain your student information, create and use only one profile per student.
Using a legal name - When creating a new account, the student's legal first name is required. Students can add a chosen first name in the chosen first name field.
Kids & Teens on Campus - When creating a new account, please create an individual profile for each child - with the name of the child as the account holder. The same email address can be utilized across multiple accounts.

Account Assistance

Forgot your username or password? Simply retrieve your username or receive password assistance
Questions? Give us a call at 301-624-2888 or email, or visit our FAQs page to learn more.

* denotes required information.

Username: minimum 6 characters
Password: minimum 12 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
 Privacy Policy
Preferred First Name

Primary Address
Secondary Address


County of residence
Additional phone
Maryland Resident 60+?*
Yes No
Are you a Maryland resident and at least 60 years of age?

xx/xx/xxxx (month/day/year)
Yes No
Have you been a Maryland Resident for the last three months?
Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer ID Number

Please enter your SSN or ITIN
Internal Use Only
Ethnic Group - Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?*
Prefer not to answer
Required by US Department of Education

What is your race? Select one or more of the above categories.
Primary Race*

Permanent resident number (A#)


Please select your country of origin. Do NOT select the 'United States' in this case.
Temporary Resident Details

Please select your country of origin. Do NOT select the 'United States' in this case.
I want to apply for the F1/M1 student visa

Credly Username

Enter this email address if you already have an account in Credly
Mail preference
May we include you on our mailing lists?
Yes No
E-mail Preference*
Yes No
Receive course related info via e-mail?
I certify that the information I have provided is complete and accurate. *

Please type your name as an electronic signature.
I accept and agree to abide by the policies and regulations of FCC as stated on this website.*
Yes No
MyFCC Email

Used for MyFCC
Level of Government Service*

Which best describes your level of government service?

Choose the items below that best describes your discipline