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Democracy in America Forum

Course number : ILR424   ID : 27197    Section Number : 1
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In 2015, the Economist Intelligence Unit downgraded the US from “full democracy” to “flawed democracy.” How healthy is American democracy today? In this interactive forum, we’ll assess potential threats to American democracy as well as potential safeguards and solutions. We’ll examine capitalism, neoliberalism, dark money, the social safety net, wokeness, cultural diversity, the role of religion in politics, American exceptionalism, and more. We’ll discuss a few of the tools that keep democracy running smoothly: civic engagement, education, critical thinking, information literacy, inclusiveness, and quality conversation. This class is open to people of all political persuasions and works best when a variety of perspectives are represented. Respect and consideration will be required from all students at all times. All are welcome and all will be heard.
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Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Fri

Conference Center (E Building)

Castillo,Julie A 



Please read:  This course will meet on campus in an in-person environment.





Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
9/13/2024 - 10/11/2024 Weekly - Fri 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM Frederick, Conference Center (E Building)  Map, Room: E138 Castillo,Julie A