Join us as we journey through centuries and across continents to present some of the most iconic artistic treasures ever created. “The Arts of Islam: Legacy to the World” highlights the art and architecture of Islam throughout the ages. From the Alhambra in Spain to the Topkapi in Turkey and the Taj Mahal in India, be dazzled by the inspiration, ingenuity, and imagination of some of the most inspiring and sophisticated artistic achievements in modern civilization, frequently inspired by religion and characterized by both originality and innovation.
Exploring a variety of art forms, including calligraphy and manuscript illumination, architecture and design, glassware, textiles, carpets, and others, this course will examine the vast artistic legacy of incomparable beauty created within the Islamic milieu, a creative mosaic of races, religions, and ethnicities, lovingly crafted over the course of fourteen centuries.
Participants will gain an appreciation of Islamic art as diverse as the people who have lived under Islamic empires and dynasties, from Spain to China and beyond, including Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and others. The cross-cultural transmission of ideas, including the influence of Islamic art forms in the West, will be discussed and illustrated through lectures, discussion, and film.