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The American Revolution: How the British Lost the War

Course number : LIR319   ID : 28151    Section Number : 1
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This course will focus upon England and the inherent problems the British encountered during the American Revolution. This seldom-discussed subject includes King George III's government, his Cabinet, administrative departments, and organizational and logistical problems. You'll learn about the Howe brothers and their contradictions in motivation and formal instructions. We'll also discuss the Saratoga campaign and its implications on French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, and British strategy. And, finally, you'll learn about the myths and realities of British loyalists in America.

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon

Conference Center (E Building)

Swartz,Roger G 



Please read:  This course will meet on campus in an in-person environment.



Registration Closes On
Monday, May 12, 2025 @ 12:00 AM



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 05/26/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
5/12/2025 - 6/16/2025 Weekly - Mon 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM Frederick, Conference Center (E Building)  Map, Room: E138 Swartz,Roger G