Logistics & Production >> Manufacturing Technology
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The manufacturing industry, comprised of establishments engaged in the production of new products, is rapidly evolving with exciting and rewarding career opportunities.
Join the industry as a skilled professional with specialized training at FCC. Expert-led instruction provides essential knowledge to build upon the efficiency and production of manufacturing operations, develops core skills in the application of industrial tools and processes, delivers essential experience with industrial control equipment, and offers access to state-of-the-art training equipment in order to design, build, and troubleshoot systems. Includes opportunities to earn nationally recognized credentials. Please complete our program interest form to learn more.
Program Interest Form
Thank you for your interest. To learn more about upcoming Manufacturing Technology programs, please provide your contact information and areas of interest below.
Please Note: Residency fees apply ($5 per course for residents outside Frederick County and $10 per course for non-Maryland students). Learn more >>

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