Welcome to CPR & First Aid Training
Frederick Community College CPR and First Aid classes are designed for everyone, from professionals fulfilling job requirements to laypersons seeking knowledge about what to do in case of emergency. Instruction and training is delivered at the Monroe Center in accordance with American Heart Association guidelines. Please be sure to review our CPR Refund and Transfer Policy prior to registering for a class.
Classes at the FCC Monroe Center
All CPR & First Aid Training classes take place at the Monroe Center, home to our fully-equipped healthcare career and technical training classrooms located at 200 Monroe Avenue in Frederick, Maryland.

Healthcare Provider: CPR Basic Life Support
SAF157 • 6 hours (9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) • $85 ($40 tuition + $45 fees)
Instructor-led Basic Life Support (BLS) course trains healthcare professionals to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, deliver high-quality chest compressions and appropriate ventilations, and provide early AED use in an emergency situation. Participate in simulated clinical scenarios and learning stations, work with an AHA BLS instructor to complete BLS skills practice and skills testing and complete a written exam. Instruction fulfills allied health/healthcare clinical or externship course CPR requirement.
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Heartsaver CPR/AED & First Aid for the Layperson
SAF149 • 7 hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) • $85 ($40 tuition + $45 fees)
Heartsaver CPR/First Aid/AED delivers critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives. Skills development focuses on first aid; choking relief in adults, children, and infants. Instruction also covers what to do for sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants.
* This class section will be taught in Spanish. Esta sección de clase se impartirá en español.
Este curso se llevará a cabo en el campus en un entorno presencial. Esta sección del curso se impartirá en español. Este curso fue desarrollado por la American Heart Association (AHA) para cualquier persona con formación médica limitada o nula que necesite una tarjeta de finalización del curso en el uso de Reanimación Cardiopulmonar (RCP) y Desfibrilador Externo Automático (DEA) y primeros auxilios para cumplir con requisitos laborales, regulatorios u otros, o por interés personal. El curso enseña RCP y uso del DEA en adultos y niños, RCP en infantes, cómo aliviar la asfixia en adultos, niños e infantes, y cómo solicitar ayuda de emergencia rápidamente. Primeros Auxilios cubre habilidades básicas de evaluación del paciente, control de hemorragias, manejo de las vías respiratorias y emergencias médicas. Este curso enseña habilidades con la técnica de práctica mientras observa, probada por la investigación de la AHA, que permite a los instructores observar a los estudiantes, proporcionar retroalimentación y guiar el aprendizaje de las habilidades por parte de los estudiantes.
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CPR and First Aid for Pets
SAF160 • 3 hours (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) • $75 ($10 tuition + $65 fees)
Instruction focuses on what to do in an emergency situations with pets. Find out who to call for emergency care and acquire basic first aid and CPR skills when time matters most for your furry friends. CPR training topics include chest compressions and basic CPR skills for animals while First Aid instruction focuses on wound care, controlling bleeding, assessing vital signs, pet health evaluations, and basic medical emergency pet care.
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Additional Class Information
Refund Policy
Please visit our Payments and Refunds page for complete details.
Location | Monroe Center
All CPR & First Aid Training classes take place at the Monroe Center, home to our fully equipped healthcare career and technical training classrooms located at 200 Monroe Avenue in Frederick, Maryland.